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发布时间:2007-11-12 02:30:34
海关保护奥林匹克标志的情况(中/英) |
海关保护奥林匹克标志的情况 中华人民共和国*** 二○○七年一月三十一日 为了履行申办承诺,确保第29届奥运会的成功举办,***于2002年出台了《奥林匹克标志保护条例》。根据《奥林匹克标志保护条例》的规定,海关应当在进出境环节实施对奥林匹克标志的保护。 海关作为***进出境监督管理***,在维护正常的进出口贸易秩序,保障知识产权权利人的合法权益,打击***知识产权货物的进出口方面,担负着义不容辞的责任和义务。对奥林匹克标志专有权的保护,是海关在对商标专用权、专利权和著作权之外,***赋予的一项新的重要任务。***为能够更有效地实施奥林匹克标志专有权的边境保护,在《条例》出台后及时制定了一系列的配套管理办法,在加强与北京奥组委的合作、主动查处和规范内部办案程序等方面作出了具体的规定,并将在***备案的奥林匹克标志专有权向社会予以公开,加大宣传力度。 自《奥林匹克标志保护条例实施以来》,***海关系统已查处进出口***奥林匹克标志专有权货物的案件近百起。侵权货物 涉及服装鞋帽、体育用品、轻工、纺织等多种产品。海关***对履行我国***承诺的申办义务和为2008年奥林匹克运动会营造良好的***环境作出了自己的贡献。我国海关对奥林匹克标志的保护工作,赢得了国际奥林匹克***会和北京奥组委的充分肯定。 2008年北京承办奥运会,对提升我国综合国力,宣传我国改革开放和现代化建设成果具有重要意义。在北京奥运会举办期间,进出境旅客和货物会有较大幅度的增加,***奥林匹克标志的纪念品和***盗版商品的进出境不可避免也会有所增多。我们将针对上述情况加强***,力争使2008年北京奥运会成为一个成功和干净的奥运会。 China Customs Protection of Olympic Symbols To ensure the success of the 29th Olympic Games, in compliance with the bidding promise, the State Council promulgated the Regulati*** on the Protection of Olympic Symbols in 2002. According to these Regulati***, the Customs should protect Olympic symbols at the import or export process. As the administrative authority exerting control and supervision over import and export goods, the Customs assumes great obligati*** to maintain regular orders of import and export, to safeguard legal interests of intellectual property rights holders and to combat IPR infringement. Protecting exclusive rights of Olympic symbols other than trademark exclusive rights, patent rights and copyrights, is a new resp***ibility authorized by the state. In order to effectively enforce protection of Olympic symbols at the border, the General Administration of China Customs (GACC) has established according to the Regulati*** a series of relevant implementing rules, which sets up specific provisi*** on enhancing cooperation with the Beijing Organizing Committee for the XXIX Olympic Games (BOCOG), exerting initiative investigation and regulating procedures of case handling. Besides, we also publicize the Olympic symbols, the exclusive rights of which h***e been recorded with GACC, and strengthen propaganda to raise social awareness. Since the Regulati*** were promulgated, the Customs has seized over a hundred of shipments infringing the exclusive rights of Olympic symbols at border, involving various types of goods such as apparel and headgear, sports utility, light industry products and textile. The Customs’ contribution to the building of a sound legal environment for the 2008 Olympic Games wins high evaluation from the International Olympic Committee and BOCOG. The 29th Olympic Games held by Beijing in 2008 bears important significance to raise the comprehensive national power and dem***trate to the world the achievements in opening reforms and modern c***truction of China. Seriously recognizing that the number of passengers and goods flow into or out of China will greatly increase during the period of the Games and thus inevitably accompanied by increase of counterfeit or pirated goods, China Customs will spare no effort in protecting intellectual property rights to ensure that the 29th Beijing Olympic Games would be a clean and successful Olympics event. (***网站) |
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